The role of the Tunstall’s board of Governors is to work with the Senior Leadership team to ensure that Tunstall Nursery School has a clear vision, over sees the nurseries financial position and ensures that all children met their educational potential. The full Governing Body meets four times a year, an initial meeting in September and then once each term. The full list of members for Tunstall Governing Body can be found below.
Chair of Governing Body: Hannah Rhodes, (Co-opted Governor)
Executive Headteacher: Jane Charman
Head of School: Leigh McGuinness and Kate Lanning
Staff Governor: Beata Kaminski
Parent Governors: Mark Gill and Chantelle Brown
Co-opted Governors: Ludmila Powell, Manvinder Saberwal-Law, Mary Hughes, Joseph Byrne, Hannah Rhodes
LA Governor: Esther McDonnell
Associate Member: Russell Reefer
Clerk to Governors: Anna Jaye
Please click here to view the statutory governor information for our school.